Biography / プロフィール

Biography in English to be found under Japanese.


15歳で渡英。ブラームス国際コンクール第1位、ウィンザー祝祭国際弦楽コンクール第1位、齋藤秀雄メモリアル基金賞など受賞歴多数。王立音楽大学在学中に名門フィルハーモニア管弦楽団と共演しデビュー。以来、ウィグモア・ホール、ロイヤル・フェスティバル・ホール、シュレスヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン音楽祭、サントリーホールなど国際舞台でリサイタルや国内外の著名オーケストラと共演を重ねる。世界的作曲家・指揮者ヨハン・デ・メイからの信頼も厚く、チェロと管弦楽のための委嘱・献呈作品『エレジーとスケルツォ:ラフマニノフへのオマージュ』や、氏の代表作・チェロ協奏曲『カサノヴァ』を含むワールドワイド全集CD録音など多数共演。また、V.アシュケナージ、J.ロイド・ウェバー、X.ドゥ・メストレ、S.ザハロワなどと共演を重ね、定期的に渡邊智道(p)、中村愛(hp)と共に埋もれた名作に焦点を当てたリサイタルを企画する他、「センセーショナル」(The Strad, UK)、「極めて詩的」(The Ensemble, Germany)、「東洋人離れした音楽家」(American Record Guide)など欧米主要誌からも高く評価されている。2026年4月4日横浜みなとみらいホールにて、バッハ無伴奏チェロ組曲全曲演奏会を開催予定。著書に学術単行本『ラフマニノフ考―チェロ奏者から見たその音楽像―』。

Yuki Ito (cellist, conductor, author)

Yuki Ito won 1st prize at both the International Brahms Competition in 2010 and the UK’s most prestigious Windsor Festival International String Competition in 2011, which led him to commence an international career. Since his debut with the Philharmonia Orchestra, he has performed around the globe at such venues as Wigmore Hall, Royal Festival Hall, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival and Suntory Hall as soloist with esteemed orchestras and to give recitals. His performances have been internationally hailed by important critiques as “Sensational…His rubato is refined and intelligently complements the underlying harmonic movement” (Strad Magazine, UK), “Extraordinarily poetic accompanied by a wonderful singing tone” (Ensemble Magazine, Germany), “Ito plays with notable maturity and taste” (American Record Guide, USA). Amongst many distinguished artists with whom he has collaborated, including Vladimir Ashkenazy, Julian Lloyd Webber, Xavier de Maistre, and Svetlana Zakharova, he has established profound musical relationship with the world-renowned composer/conductor Johan de Meij, having a new work for cello and orchestra “Elegy & Scherzo – A Tribute to Sergei Rachmaninoff“ written for him and performing together on global scenes including the world-wide album “Casanova” (Complete Works for Cello and Orchestra). His performing career has always been imbued with Rachmaninoff’s music – having released his world-wide debut album “Rachmaninoff : Complete Cello Works” in 2012, he internationally gave “All Rachmaninoff” recitals every year towards the composer’s 150th birth anniversary in 2023, which was complemented by publishing his first book: a monograph “Thoughts on Rachmaninoff”. As conductor Yuki Ito made his conducting debut at London’s St Martin-in-the-Fields in 2013, and in 2016 he led the initial Japan tour of Camerata Luanda from Republic of Angola to success, a historical event which marked the first tour in Japan ever by an African orchestra. He was awarded the “Hideo Saito Memorial Award” in 2019, one of the most honourable music awards in Japan, for his service to music.